My niece Jeni had a great idea. She loves ancestral stories.
She loves her children. She’s a pretty good scrapbooker. “What if I made an ABC
book about our ancestors?” she asked me. I thought it was a great idea and I
said so. Then time passed and we did other things, but Jeni was working at her
idea whenever she had time.

Last month she sent me the pages she had prepared for her
Ancestor ABCs book. It is fantastic! She
made each page the standard 12x12 and gave everyone in the family the choice of
how they wanted to use it. With the help of my sister, a production editor, I
put it into an InDesign book and made a pdf for printing. I chose a 12x12 hard
cover version for my children and a soft cover 9x9 version for my
grandchildren. I just received the soft cover books yesterday from the
They were only $11.50 to print each one (we ordered together to get over 30
orders). And they are beautiful.

You don’t have to be just learning your ABCs to appreciate
this book. The colors and designs are bright and beautiful, the photos are
meaningful and the short “story” included about each ancestor that is featured leads
the reader to want more. Jeni included a photo pedigree in the back and the
website addresses so more can be had.
What a great Christmas gift!! Thanks Jeni.