Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
In surfing a bit this Monday morning I came upon a Monday theme that sparked a memory in me.
My mind immediately went to an amanuensis to whom I am very grateful--the unnamed person who scribed this letter for my great-grandma Thirza (Thirza Angeline Hale Nay Marley). Without it, I would never have gone searching further for the rest of her story and her unknown death date. Not that the story is complete--I still have lots of questions. But you may agree that the letter holds some interest. Thanks "M.H.A." whoever you are.
Monroe, Utah
May 23, 1892
Gov. R. K. Colcord:-
Dear Sir:-
I write to you today in behalf of my son Ormus B. Nay, who is now in State prison. He
comes before the Board of Pardon in July and it is the great desire of his aged
father (88) to see him once more before his dies. The father is growing daily more feeble.
I his mother, am also in poor health, and if you have a son you can, to some extent know how aged parents would long to see their boy once more. He was not a bad boy, but bad company has brought him where he is. I am sure he realizes his wrong now and certainly has had his punishment. I never have before applied or asked for any pardon for him but now I feel a right to ask. He has been punished fully. I am confident he will ever again cause trouble.
I pray for your sympathies.
His aged mother, whose hope is in the God of justice and mercy.
Mrs. T. A. Marley
Per M. H. A.
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